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Lina redevenir modeste out *now* on Apricot Records!
good things come from france - we, at apricot records know that, of course. so quite often, when the working day comes to an end, we go to our favourite little bistro and celebrate the french way. the next morning, sitting together in our office, we eat eclairs and read le monde, just to see if our football-boys from paris saint germain were lucky enough to win a game. yes, we know how to enjoy our lives. probably it was at one of those evenings when we first heard lina's songs. we dropped our glasses filled with pastis. with "redevenir modeste" lina returns to sing out loud about the everyday life of a french girl: young boys waiting for the chance of a rendez-vous, kisses on cheeks for strangers, flea-markets near the seine. This great CD contains even more...apart from a Mac/Pc screensaver, there are two brilliant versions of "27000000 de mecs" and "rester au soleil" sung in german!!!

Source: TweeNet Internal Link:
Published: 22 February 2000 Author: Apricot Records
Category: Bands TweeNet: Related page
Last updated: 16-Oct-2009 © 1994-2025 TweeNet Creative Commons License